Embrace healthy living and get the most out of your chiropractic care.

If you are currently visiting a back pain specialist or receiving treatment for chronic back pain you will know that well-being of both your body and mind and healthy living aid your chiropractic care. We all have the best intentions of embracing healthy living in January, but the majority of us find ourselves slipping in February and loosing motivation by March. Below are 6 healthy living basics that your body needs to be healthy and happy on a long term basis and to allow you to get the most out of your chiropractic session:

Outline your goals
Start by having a little chat with yourself and take note of your desired results. Whether you want to run that marathon or simply improve your overall health you need a goal to work towards. Be clear with what it is you want to achieve and then go get it!

Get enough sleep
Getting the recommended eight hours of sleep a night won’t grant you immunity from disease and suddenly give you the power to run take part in a triathlon but it will allow you to be at your best and give you to energy to increase your productivity each day. Turn off the television, shut down the laptop and step away from the smart phone for half an hour before bed each night and allow yourself to unwind. By doing so your body will relax and will prepare itself for a better night’s sleep.

Drink more water
Your body cannot function if it is dehydrated. It might seem like a lot but you should be drinking one litre of water for every 25kg in body weight every day. Staying hydrated allows your body to work to the best of it’s ability and flush unwanted or harmful toxins from the body.

Increase exercise
You don’t need to run 35miles a week every week but you do need to exercise regularly. Start with going for a brisk walk or a jog four nights a week for 30mins. Build your fitness at a pace that suits you and avoid sustaining injuries that will hinder your chiropractic care.

Find an equally motivated partner
Find someone who shares an interest in your healthy living choice, it might be someone who also experiences back or neck pain and visits the same chiropractor as you or it might be your partner who supports your healthy living passion. Having someone to discuss your goals and results with will give you the motivation to keep going.

Have fun
Healthy living shouldn’t be a chore, find the fun in it. Attend a Zumba class instead of going for a jog or make some healthy treats such as fruit and yoghurt smoothies. We are more likely to succeed at activities we enjoy so break the rules every so often, enjoy yourself and arrive to your chiropractor with a smile on your face.

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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