5 Health tips for summer 2014

Summer is almost here folks, and this it’s the best time of the year to get fit and improve your health. Keep things easy and simple so you can make the best health decisions while still enjoying the summer. These 5 health tips are easy to implement and will make sure you have a happy and healthy summer.

Get out in the sun
Forget buying supplements in the pharmacy, get outside and get your recommended daily dose of vitamin D for free. Vitamin D has been shown to boost the immune system, promote healthy bones and teeth, prevent cancer, fight depression, help brain development (especially in pregnancy and infancy), stop inflammation and more. Our skin creates vitamin D when exposed to direct sunlight, however this has to be done without sunscreen. While it is important to maintain a healthy level of vitamin D be sure not to harm your skin with over exposure to the sun.

Eat fresh local produce
This is the perfect time of year for farmers markets. Look up where the nearest farmers market is being held and grab those shopping bags. Eating fresh local produce is the best thing you can do for your body, there is really no excuse for eating poorly during the summer. Farmer’s markets will have all the fruit and vegetables you need and you might even discover some new fruit or vegetables to incorporate into your summer meals. Fruit and vegetables are full of essential vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, fibre, water and other nutrients and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Go exploring
It’s that time of the year where it really is a shame to be indoors all day every day. If you are not keen on exercising then why not go exploring instead. Find the nearest park or woods and go for a walk/hike/jog/run on one of the set out public trails. Get some exercise, enjoy the scenery and get some fresh air in those lungs.

Visit your chiropractor
We tend to be more active and physical during the summer and unfortunately it’s our muscles and joints that pay the price. Chiropractic care is a great way to realign the spine and extremities, balance the nervous system, relax muscles, and promote healing. Instead of treating the pain with painkillers, visit your chiropractic for some adjustments to fix the cause of the pain, and in turn, make your body even stronger and healthier.

Stay hydrated
Warmer weather and increased activity will mean you will need to keep yourself hydrated. Whether you’re playing sports, traveling or just sitting in the sun it is critical to stay hydrated. Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. And, it helps the muscles remove waste so that they can work efficiently. Be cautious of drinking too many fizzy drinks or caffeine as although these can be refreshing and tasty they can dehydrate you more quickly.

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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