Why I have decided to start my day a little different…

A lot of people have been asking me what I get out of the seminars that I do. What could I have possibly got out of flying over to Atlanta a few weeks ago for 2 days? Wasn’t it a lot of money for a short period of time?

It was the single most powerful seminar that I have done in years! It was all about habits, both in business and also personally. For success we all need habits. We need a routine. We need discipline. Most importantly we need consistency.

What changes have I made since returning home? Well, to start off with, I go to bed early so that I can get up early. I am writing this after being up for nearly 2 hours (8am now).

I have already done my power hour (I will explain more about this later), am about to juice for breakfast (need to cleanse the body) and I’ll do an hour in the gym before starting with patients.

Many of you will know that mornings were never my strong point!! I often would not get out of bed until 8:30 to start work at 11. As of next week, we will now be open in the office from 8:30am on 3 mornings of the week, to allow you to get adjusted before work. We have also set aside specific team development time so that our patients receive the best possible care and service when you enter our premises. This is just a taste of a long list of changes that I have started implementing.

Was the trip expensive? Yes. Was it short? Yes. Was it worth every second and cent? Definitely!!

So, after attending a recent conference, I have decided to make a few changes. One of the biggest habits that I have incorporated into my day is the ‘power hour’. I do this as soon as I get up. This allows me to get focused on the day ahead.

1) Start with a glass of water – it’s important to start hydrating. I also ad a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar
2) Go outside and take in 3 deep breaths – the fresh air is nice to remind me that I’m alive and breathing
3) Stretch/strengthen – I go through my stretching routine in particular focus on my back and legs. I also do some core stability exercises
4) Affirmations – say something positive about yourself
5) Gratitude – write down at least one thing that you are grateful for in your life. It’s important to set positivity for the day
6) Meditate – I find guided meditations easier. Anywhere from 5-30 minutes
7) Read – something educational. This is the book I have just started
8) Have a good breakfast & take your time with it – I have started juicing again in the last few weeks. I tend to lean towards vegetable juices rather than the really sweet fruit juices
9) No technology – I leave my phone off until I get in the car and don’t check any emails until I get to the office. I used to be terrible for waking up, checking my emails then my Facebook, all before I even said hello to my wife!

Try it and let me know how you get on. Good luck!

Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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