The silent killers lurking in your home

Silent Killer Ingredients

What what what?

Most of us have no idea what these ingredients are and yet they lie in all our kitchen cabinets. They are in our laundry and cleaning products and they could be silently killing us.

When we buy cleaning products, we expect them to do one thing: clean! Look on the back of most household cleaners and you’ll get an idea that their ingredients are toxic – ‘hazardous, corrosive, warning, danger or irritant, flammable’. Some cleaners are among the most toxic products found in the home.

If a cleaner claims to be able to instantly strip years of ground-in dirt and grease, think what it could do to your body and the environment.

Cleaning ingredients vary in the type of health hazard they pose. Some cause acute, or immediate, hazards such as skin or respiratory irritation, watery eyes, or chemical burns, while others are associated with chronic, or long-term, effects such as cancer.
Photo of Silent Killers

Poisoning accounts for more than 7,500 hospital admissions in Ireland each year. This includes medications, household products (such as cleaning products) and some plants and berries. (Reference from HSE Website)

We have an 8 month old baby girl that is very curious and has started to roll about and it won’t be long before she’s opening cupboard doors. My wife and I detoxed our home some time ago from these hazardous products and replaced them with cleaner and greener ones. We see it as one less thing to worry about.

Thankfully there are some great products on the market that work really well. I can personally recommend the Ecover products, I get them from the Quay Co-Op store in Ballincollig (I’m sure available in most health stores). We use their laundry detergents and they work as well if not better than the best known brands. I’ve been told the Irish company Lilly’s Eco Clean are also great. For household cleaning we use JSK, another Irish company, based in Little Island, again we are very happy with them and we don’t miss the old brands.

As we’re in the season of Spring cleaning it’s a good time to reconsider the cleaning products you use around your house. On Thursday March 19th at 6:30pm, Tadhg from JSK Eco products will be our monthly speaker at Optimal Chiropractic. Call Mary to reserve a seat to find out more about them.

Please note: Neither I or Optimal Chiropractic are affiliated to any of the products mentioned in this article.



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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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