“Head over heels at Cannes” says your Chiropractor

Head over Heels in Cannes says your ChiropractorThere’s been a lot of controversy in the last week over Cannes Film festival organisers refusing entry to several women wearing flat shoes at the star studded event. So outraged are women around the world, it’s been dubbed “flatgate.”

In my opinion these ladies used their head over their heels! I know the arguments for them: the shoes are so pretty and make the calf of the leg look good. But, the pain and damage they cause your feet and legs can lead to serious injuries.
High Heel Solution

Studies have shown that these towering shoes can be costly in more ways than one, taking their toll on your spine, hips, knees, ankles and feet, while altering your posture. Relatively small changes in the position of our foot can have consequences all the way up the body. All these changes have the potential to over-strain the low back and possibly lead to back pain. I wrote an article about this that was featured on the Irish Independent (see here)

I was in Cork city on Saturday to support the “96FM Heel Appeal” it was both fun and painful to watch. The men walked (well actually ran) a mile in high heels from Merchants Quay to Electric to raise money for Cancer Care in Cork. In a bid to rid them of pain I offered a free consultation to the men that braved the heels on the day.

Do you wear heels and do they cause you pain? Here’s further reading that will help your sore feet.

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Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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