#Givepeasachance #Recipea Challenge

Our peas reaching for the sun

If you visited our office recently you will be familiar with our participation in the food growing challenge #givepeasachance run by Cully and Sully and GIY Ireland.

Mary, Chris, Dannielle, Siobhan and I (better known as #SpinalPeas!) had great fun growing our peas and educating the kids that visited our office on the progress.

It brought out a real competitive streak in us all. We especially loved the most recent challenge of creating a dish using the pea shoots.

Siobhan came up with the tastiest dish and she has kindly shared the #reciPEA with the rest of us!

Pea Shoot Salad with Shaved Parmasen & Lemon Vinaigrette

#Givepeasachance #Recipea Challenge
Pea Shoot Salad with Shaved Parmasen & Lemon Vinaigrette


1/2 PEAspoon lemon zest
2 PEAspoons freshly sPEAezed lemon juice
1 minced garlic clove
1/2 PEApoon white wine vinegar
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
PEA salt
4 to 6 cups lightly packed pea shoots
2-ounce piece parmesan
Freshly ground pepper


Whisk together the lemon zest and juice, garlic, and vinegar. Slowly drizzle in the olive oil, whisking until the vinaigrette is emulsified. Add salt to taste.

StriPEASe! (Get it!)

Strip the pea shoots (StriPEAse!) and place in a large bowl. Shave the Parmesan over the salad and drizzle the vinaigrette on top. Then toss to coat. Season to taste with pepper. Serve and enjoy.

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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