Do what you love – love what you do. Surround yourself with the people you love

I never deny the fact that I get to do what I love for a living.

Everyday I get to meet amazing people who have trusted me to help them on their path to healing or help them on their continuing journey of good health.

Could we be open more hours, yes we could. But we also need downtime so that we can be at our best to give the best possible care.

This blog post stems from a call Mary received last week from a person complaining that we don’t open Friday or Saturday which would suit them on their days off.

Mary obviously replied politely that we stay open after usual working hours to accommodate people.

The truth is we are closed Friday and Saturday because the team works non stop from 8am to 8pm Monday-Thursday and they deserve a rest too. Also, I have an amazing family and I absolutely and unashamedly love spending time with them!

I posted this on Facebook and I got an overwhelming response. One comment really stood out to me;

“If your chiropractor is looking after himself & his family you know he will look after you well too. Enjoy your family time Ben. Xx”

Evelyn hit the nail on the head.

This year my wife and I created a vision board of what we wanted to achieve for 2017 as well as how we wish to spend our time.

First and foremost we have a 3 year old daughter who takes priority and who we love spending time with.

Do what you love - love what you do. Surround yourself with the people you love

We also looked at the importance of spending time as a couple. We plan a ‘date night’ together once a month.

Together we’ve incorporated time for meditation and exercise.

I wanted to find time to read more but I never seem to have time to sit down with a book. Instead I listen to audio books driving to and from the office.

But what about time for yourself – on your own.

Is that selfish?

Taking time to do things that make you happy regularly can significantly improve your mental health and reduce stress.

Once a week after work I do a horse riding lesson and I love it, I feel energised after.

Recently I joined a walking club…Lee Valley Walking Club. Being close to nature grounds me.

Siobhan has made time for yoga and at the beginning of the year made a commitment to paint more often.

She was invited to do a group exhibition some months ago so we made time for her to create. The art exhibition takes place at The Grainstore in Ballymaloe on 28th October at 6pm. (This is your official invitation, we would love to see you there!)

Making time for the things you love has made us even happier.

Do what makes you happy. Go for a run, paint, take a dance class, or go for a hike, whatever it is, just go do it! (You have to make time for it though, otherwise it will never happen.)

It will not only improve YOUR mood, the benefit of a well rested YOU benefits everyone around you – your family, work colleagues and customers.


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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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