The Destructive Impact of Abnormal Posture

Vertebral Subluxation* plays a major role in bad posture.

(Postural Deviation is a term used to describe different ways in which our posture can become unaligned from the ‘norm’. (eg. rounded upper back or forward head posture))

This study reveals the detrimental effects of deviated posture in a human.

This was a study published in the reputable Medical Journal of SPINE in 2005 and was done by a team of Medical Doctors headed up by Dr. Steven Glassman.

Posture was measured in 752 subjects using full-spine x-rays. They took measurements from the C7 and plumb-line measures as it relates to the sacrum.

Their findings were ASTONISHING!!


Even minor forward head posture was shown to be detrimental. From breathing and heart rate, to pain and disability, all health markers that were measured worsened as the posture deviations increased.

This clearly demonstrates the relationship between a bad spine (vertebral subluxation) and its implications on human health, particularly as it relates to non-musculoskeletal physiology.

All Chiropractic adjustments help to restore posture by improving motion and spinal integrity which improves afferent input into the spinal cord and brain, thus, allowing the body to comprehend and balance itself better in relation to gravity.

*Repetitive physical, chemical and emotional stress can subtly cause misalignments in your spine called Subluxations.

“The impact of positive sagittal balance in adult spinal deformity” SPINE 2005 Sep 15;30(18):2024-9″

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Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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