Preventing falls in elderly family members with Chiropractic Care

Do you worry about your elderly family members falling?

As our loved ones age, the risk of falls and injuries becomes a growing concern.

However, chiropractic care can be a valuable tool in preventing falls and improving the overall well-being of elderly family members.

By addressing issues such as balance, mobility, and strength, chiropractors can help reduce the risk of falls.

Chiropractic care also promotes a healthier, more active lifestyle for our elderly loved ones.

Balance and coordination can have a significant impact on the daily life of an older person.

When elderly family members fall it can have life changing consequences for them and their family.

Sadly older people are more likely to suffer serious injuries, disability, psychological consequences and death following a fall.

Falls are becoming increasingly common in the aging community with 1 in 3 people aged 65+ and 1 in 2 aged 80+ suffering from a fall each year. According to the HSE, after experiencing a fall, 66% will regrettably fall again within six months.

Falls happen for a variety of factors, such as joint stiffness, reduced muscle strength, and changes in vision or hearing.

The good news is; falls and fractures in older people can be prevented.

We all have small receptors at the base of our cervical spine to help our brain understand where our limbs are functioning in space.

As we age, the receptors don’t function as efficiently as they used to.

Studies have shown that chiropractic care can help restore balance and coordination by stimulating the joint receptors (mechanoreceptors) in the cervical spine.

This stimulation is thought to help restore or normalise joint receptor functioning which leads to improvements in balance and coordination.

elderly family members living independently

By improving balance and coordination, our elderly family members can enjoy greater confidence and independence, and reduce their risk of falls and other injuries.

For further help and advice please call our Ballincollig Office on 021 4878465 and we will be delighted to help.

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Picture of Ben
Dr. Benjamin Martin is a Chiropractor and speaker on Health and Wellbeing. Ben is regularly called on to discuss health topics and chiropractic on radio, tv and press. His promise is to adjust and educate as many families as possible towards optimal health. His work changes lives and has restored people's quality of life.
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