
If you are in pain with sciatica and fed up; then you’ve come to the right place!

We understand how debilitating and painful sciatica (pinched nerve, nerve leg pain) can be and we want to help end your pain.

We invite you to come have a free 15 minute examination and postural analysis in our office.

Why a Postural Analysis?

The way you walk, stand or sit can affect the path of your sciatic nerve from your lower back to your foot. Poor posture can cause misalignment, fatigue, and/or excessive stress on your lower back tissues, which can irritate or compress your sciatic nerve roots, causing sciatica.

With a postural analysis we can determine if a misaligned posture is the reason for your sciatic pain.

During this free assessment we can advise you on your next step. If we can help, we will be delighted to, if we can’t we will do our utmost to point you in the right direction.

Either way, you’ll leave our office with a solution.

To schedule your Free 15-minute assessment, please fill out the ‘Contact Dr. Benjamin Martin’ form on this page.  Leave your full name and phone number and Mary from our office will contact you to to make your appointment.

Alternatively you can call the office directly on 021 487 8465.

We look forward to taking care of you.

Please feel free to ask any questions about your pain during the assessment.

✅ Discuss with experts who specialise in treating people with pain and suffering

✅ Have a postural analysis taken, this will let us know if we can help.

✅ Discover more about your pain (even if you thought you already knew).

✅ Receive professional advice on what you can do next (no commitments.)

✅ Get advice on treatments WITHOUT surgery and WITHOUT reliance on prescription drugs.

✅ Ask questions you wanted to ask but have felt too afraid or intimidated.

To schedule your Free 15-minute assessment, please fill out the ‘Contact Dr. Benjamin Martin’ form on this page with your full name and phone number and Mary from our office will contact you to to make your appointment.

We are looking forward to meeting you.